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Are you sure you have the right video CODEC installed.

I use Ubuntu, but you should try here:

On 2/22/2017 2:49 PM, Albert, Oszkó wrote:
Hi all,

Well, theoretically I know the answer, I read quite a bit of text and watched youtube videos. But I simply cannot make it work. I try it on openSUSE with KDE (Plasma) and LO I read somewhere that only .ogg videos work - but not for me. I saw a tutorial where .avi also worked. OK, it is a container format. When I insert a video file, it is seemingly embedded, but when I try to play it, LO freezes.
Sound files work.

And one more thing: I tried to choose the insert reference option (or something like that), but it does nothing. It would be comfortable and acceptable if I could open videos in an external player
What could be wrong?

Help, please!


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