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You can use the "BASE" function of CALC to convert the numbers to
hexadecimal notation. The syntax is BASE(number, base, #digits); for
instance, converting the 44 of the zydeco color would be someting like
=BASE(44,16,2) which gives 2C.

And if you want, you can use a combination of CONCATENATE and BASE to
re-create the XML of the colors which you could then easily cut/paste
to the destination file.

I hope this helps.

Rémy Gauthier.
Le jeudi 09 février 2017 à 14:49 -0500, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster a
écrit :
I am having trouble adding the Resene color palette to the 
"standard.soc" file.

The colors in that file are listed in HEX - #FFFFFF

but the Resene list is in the RGB decimal format - RGB(255,255,255)

The Renese "people" will allow the use of their color names, as long
you include the copyright info.

My problem is the .soc files I have are all in HEX format, and when
add a color in RGB format, that color and the next HEX color are
and the color's space shows single White space/box.

I really want to use their palette for a additional palette called 
"Renese.soc" with the basic and LO colors in the palette as the
colors seen.

So can any one help me with this issue?  Below is the first few
in the default palette.  After that is the first colors in the
list [downloaded as a text file]

Can I replace the 'draw:color="#008000"/>' with 

<draw:color draw:name="Black" draw:color="#000000"/>
<draw:color draw:name="Blue" draw:color="#000080"/>
<draw:color draw:name="Green" draw:color="#008000"/>
<draw:color draw:name="Turquoise" draw:color="#008080"/>
<draw:color draw:name="Red" draw:color="#800000"/>
<draw:color draw:name="Magenta" draw:color="#800080"/>

"R" "G" "B"        "Colour Name"

   1  54  28        cardingreen
   9  54  36        bottlegreen
   2  64  44        sherwoodgreen
   2  64  44        zydeco
   7  58  80        tarawera

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