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I downgraded to LO5.2, but the calc file had lost links to intwernet pages (LO 5.3 hasn't written 
data in the cells and the data could not be downloaded thereafter).  I rebuildt the calc sheet and 
links  using LO 5.2  and everythings works again now.

On Wednesday, February 8, 2017 1:33 AM, Paolo Debortoli <> wrote:
Hi.  I was using LO 5.2 till 2 days ago and I think I am going to downgrade to 5.2.

Problem is:  I have a sheet which download every 5 minutes stock market data (prices) from internet 
in html format. Data are inserted in cells and used for simple calculations.   Since I updated to 
LO 5.3,  the software downloads just two lines in about 70 (and sometimes writes: unable to 
connect)  and leaves the cells empty.  The sheet worked fine in LO 5.2  for more than one year... I 
tried to insert manually again the links: first insertion works fine, but when it tries to update, 
cells remain empty.  Boh!

In case I can send a copy of the sheet to try.


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