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Why has my message regarding a "Fatal Error" as indicated by LibreOffice, not been responded to?

I have done a further test to find that even if I perform an F9 AND a save, it still crashes. This seemed to have started when I turned off "auto calc". Haven't tested by turning autocalc back on.


On 02/02/2017 07:14 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
I have a 5 page spreadsheet, one page that gets used ofter, the others are not used much. Page 2 is a chart of accounts that a column in page 1 refers to often. Page 1 is about 400 lines long, maybe 10 columns wide. There is a date column, but I do not do date math, and no other cells refer to the date column. That said, after December, through April (FY), entering data takes about 30 seconds per cell (a long time in computer years). The solution I received from this list was to turn off all formatting (font, bold, not much more). That was unacceptable, so recently I tried turning off auto-calc, requiring I use F9 to recalc the sheet after additions/changes. It didn't help much. And, in the process, I found the following.

On to the "verified fatal error":
   I have a group of about 10 lines that I want to delete.
   Lines above and below are referenced in page 3.
I select and delete the lines and get the following fatal error: (three times (verified))
                                     Fatal Error (title in a window)
             multi_type_vector::position#1321:block position not found!
         (logical pos=4294967275, block size=9. logical size=1048575)

I had 5 sheets open, all 5 were damaged, and all 5 were recovered upon reentry.

Ubuntu 16.04 and LO version 5.1.4

What I have not tried is to F9 and/or save before the delete.


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