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2017-02-02 19:53 GMT+01:00 nasrin khaksar <>:

i tried this link, but without any success.

​I'm not sure about the rest of your post (restrictions etc.) but that link
is about the docker image directly. Docker is a tool made to deploy apps in
a specific ways. It might be possible to use LibreOffice online in other
ways, but there's no obvious ways to do it without docker.

You can (hopefully) find more info about using LibreOffice Online​ at . For starters, know that it's
completely separate from a regular LibreOffice installation. Work on
CODE/LibreOffice Online started a while ago, but it's probably not
useful/very useable with previous versions. And it also depends on some
other components to actually manage user files, but that's covered on the
link I gave you.

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