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1. Optionally select the specific cells you want to adjust; otherwise all
cells will be affected.
2. Go to the Menu item: Tables, then Properties.
3. Choose the Borders tab.
4. On the right hand side, use the "Spacing to Contents" adjustments. If you
wish to set the top, bottom, and sides individually, you will need to
uncheck the "Synchronize" box.

If you go to the Menu item: "View - Toolbars" and check "Table", a tool bar
with all of the table settings will appear whenever you place the cursor
inside the table - I suggest doing this if you use tables a lot, as it makes
things much easier.

Be aware that the [perceived] distance between the text and table borders is
affected by the line thickness (set in the same dialog described above) as
well as the weight and style of the fonts in use, so you may need to twiddle
a bit to get the effect you want.

This should get you going ...

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