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V Stuart Foote wrote:
Two major issues with the build on Windows:

Crash when exiting Writer after copying to clipboard

I recall seeing that report recently (perhaps when I was searching for issues which might have lead to your advice), but couldn't reproduce it. Just tried again, and it only seems to occur if configured not to load the Quickstarter. With the Quickstarter running, there is no crash, possibly because LibreOffice doesn't actually exit.

[Windows] Failure to populate system font list

I hadn't experienced that one either, but can reproduce after adding the specific printer mentioned in Comment 33. It seems I happen to have a printer which doesn't trigger that crash.

Steps to reproduce in the BZ reports (and duplicates).

Tens of thousands of crash reports for these two issues, so yes best
to avoid the build and move now to the, or both in

Thanks for the links. I was sure you had your reasons; more surprised not to have encountered problems when you were so definitely against that particular version. I guess I've just been lucky that my particular configuration has avoided these so far ;o)

I'll certainly take a look at installing that.


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