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Hi all; I've a bit of an issue in keeping styles consistent across multiple documents. Maybe there's an easier way of achieving what I need... any thoughts would be appreciated.

I'm producing music booklets for a local choir. The sources for the material are varied: LO files for any words, plus laid-out music input from musescore and abcm2ps (as pdf files). One song per file. LO source is converted to pdf, and the whole lot is assembled with pdfunite into a booklet for printing - often the exact order of pieces won't be known until the last minute.

My problem is that although the LO files are derived from a common .ott template file, I find that I sometimes need to alter basic formatting after creating all the files, eg to change font face or size. At present, I change this in the .ott file, then have to go through all the individual documents reloading the styles from this file. It's tedious!

So, is there a way of making style information in an LO document a /reference/ to, rather than a copy of, that in a master file? Alternatively, is there a way from the command line of loading styles from one file into another (I have no doubt a macro could do this; I'm afraid I don't have the expertise to craft one though :-{ )

TIA for any advice!

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England
"The only way is Brexit" -- anon.

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