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On 01/12/2017 09:03 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 12/01/2017 à 12:21, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :

Hmm, with LO5.1.6 and Java112, I seem to recall quite a serious crashing
problem...a bug that was corrected for 5.1.5, but not integrated to
5.1.6 when it branched off. Unfortunately, as 5.1.x is EOL, this won't
be fixed for those versions. THe problem doesn't affect current 5.2.3 or

I forgot to mention that the crashing in LO5.1.6 was on OSX.


I forgot to mention that I am running Slackware Linux 14.2 32-bit x86 (k4.4.14). While waiting, I installed the 5.1.40 connector with JDK 1.8u112 and it does work with Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3, but I did not extensively test it yet. I just did about the same with LO 5.1.6 and it is working about the same - not extensive testing.
So far - so good.

My policy is to use only the x.x.6+ versions of LO, since they are supposed to be the most stable. So, I would have to wait for 5.2.6 for this potential bug fix.

Thanks for the responses.

Girvin Herr

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