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On 01/08/2017 05:29 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
I have been using LO since the beginning of its time, OO since its beginning of time, and Star Office before that. BUT, a close relative, who uses Windows and MSO, uses it because: (a) It's a bother to learn something new, (b) the files don't always show up right, (c) her other colleagues (school teacher) use MS O, so they discus doing things using MS O, and (d) most importantly, using 'something different' gets in the way of her doing her job (excellent school teacher). I mention this because I feel that these are real facts of life when it comes to being a pioneer, using Linux and LO, or even LO under Windows. I use Linux mainly because of the freedom based on technology, not structure based on profits.


As for those who stick with microsoft: Use whatever tool fits your hand.
I, personally, haven't found anything msOffice can do that OpenOffice and LibreOffice can't do. The UI is just different. Much of what AOO and LO do do, I don't use. My concern is that AOO and/or LO are trying too hard to keep up with msOffice and are becoming feature bloated too, to the detriment of fixing bugs. AOO and LO are great programs in their own right. 'nuff said.
Girvin Herr

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