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I borrowed the macro from Villeroy made 2009 (Thank you so much).

He has an attached formatted_controls.ods in the URL below that helps you understand whats going on.

See macro at

I assumed that if you added a time/spin control attached to cell, it would have an associated macro to fulfill the function.

If there is supposed to be, let me know here.

On 1/3/2017 5:21 PM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
How do I get the spin button time results into a cell?

On 12/28/2016 10:46 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
In Calc, I have several Time fields using the spin button.

They are attached to the cell.

The format of the cell is set to Time HH:MM:SS

When entering data in to the cell directly without the spin button, subtracting one cell from the other gives me a number of hours.

12:00:00 - 11:00:00 = 01:00:00

When referencing the cells where the spin buttons are for the formula, there is no result.

How do I write the formula or make the cell value work with 'time' spin buttons?

Properties: Time Field

            Spin Button............Yes

            Time Format..........13:45:00

            All others at default.

Win 7 Pro, X86, LibreOffice 5.2



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