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I've run into a couple of issues using conditional formatting and using 
conditional formatting with names ranges.

1. I have a range that includes 4 different columns with conditional 
formatting. Everything is fine. I insert a row to a a new record in its proper 
place in the order, and it ends up adding a number of extra conditional 
formats. Some are just the range from beginning to row before, and then row 
after to end, but many are single cell entries?  I can generally fix it by using 
the manage option, and removing the bad ones, and editing the ranges for 
the good one. Would just expect the condititonal formatting to handle row 
inserts and just keep the original start and just increase the end by rows 

2. In a couple of the conditions, I do a vlookup to check if the id is in a table, 
and set the color based on if it is or isn't. Used a range name since the list 
can change. Recently added some records to the list, and changed the name 
range, but the conditional formatting did not pick it up. I had to manually edit 
the conditional formatting, and hardcode the absolute address of the range.
Even tried deleting and recreating the range, and it still seemed to use the 
old one. 

Is there a step I am missing. 


  Michael D. Setzer II -  Computer Science Instructor      
  Guam Community College  Computer Center                                
  Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        
  G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer
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