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See my comments below.

Best regards, and a successful new year,


Wednesday, January 4, 2017, 12:31:35 AM, you wrote:

Hi Peter, 

ptoye schrieb: 
I wanted to transfer a dialogue from a text document to the live version. So 
I went into the test doc "organise dialogs|Edit" window and exported the 
dialogue, which was called "OneOff" 

How do you make it 'called "OneOff"'? 
Originally I called it "One-Off" when I first created it with the Tools|Macros|Organise Dialogues 
menu. Later I changed it to "OneOff" by clicking on its name in the macro organiser window.

, to a file. Went into the live version, 
found that I had to edit a dummy dialogue before I could import the saved 

The document needs to have a library (likely 'Standard') and at least 
one module. Then you have an 'Import Dialog' in the toolbar in the 
module in the IDE. Because you need the module anyway for the macros to 
execute the dialog, first generate the module and then insert the dialog. 
I admit that I hadn't noticed that the "Import Dialogue" was available in the macro editor as well 
as the Dialogue Editor.

  imported the file. And found that the new dialogue was called 
"One-Off", which had been its name some days ago.  I looked at the exported 
.xdl file and there's a section saying   So I have 2 questions/comments: 

1) Why is the imported file getting a different name? Alternatively, why has 
the exported file got an out-of-date ID? 

In my tests it gets the name of the tab in the Basic-IDE as value of the 
attribute 'dlg:id' and on import this value is used in the Basic-IDE as 
tab name. If such tab already exists, you get the option to rename or 
So it seems that the dlg:id attribute isn't changed when the name is changed. This looks like a bug 
to me (not an important one).

2) Is there a way of importing a dialogue without having to edit a dummy 

See above, you need a module. 

BTW, I find is useful to have an own toolbar for macros. I use the commands 
'Edit Macros' = .uno:BasicIDEAppear (from category Application) and name 
it 'IDE'. 
'LibreOffice Basic' = .uno:MacroOrganizer (from category BASIC) and name 
it 'Run' 
'LibreOffice Basic Macro Organizer' = .uno:MacroOrganizer (fro, category 
BASIC) and name it 'Organize' 
That make access quicker than via Tools > Macros. 
Thanks - I'll try this.

Kind regards 

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