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Dear Mike,

I don't know about your specific problem, but long experience makes me very suspicious of any font 
whose name is simply the name of a language, e.g. "RUSSIAN.TTF",  "GREEK.TTF", "HEBREW.TTF" etc.

That's a real alarm-bell. It usually indicates an old 8-bit font dating from before the days of 
Unicode, often in an encoding that wasn't a standard 8-bit encoding even then. In other words, it 
probably has the Russian characters where the Latin alphabet should be.

If the text that you're struggling with is in one of those fonts, then changing the Replacement 
table won't improve things much: at best, you'll just get a load of Latin characters instead of 
Russian ones.

Such problems have little or nothing to do with LibreOffice. They are caused by having text that 
was originally made in non-standard fonts. As long as the non-standard fonts are present on the 
system, the text will appear correctly, but if the text is transferred to a system that only uses 
standard Unicode fonts (which is a consummation devoutly to be wished), then that text can't be 
displayed as originally written.

There are work-arounds, but the only real remedy is to convert that text into Unicode. If you're 
stuck, I have some macros that might help. Unfortunately, they only work in MS Word.  :-(

However, if you send me the text, I'll see if I can convert it.

Best wishes,

Alec McAllister
Multilingual Computing Co-ordinator
I.T. (formerly Information Systems Services)
University of Leeds
West Yorkshire
Parkinson Building, Room 240, tel 0113 343 3573
Fairburn House extension, Room 2.08, tel 0113 343 8773

Medieval Unicode Font Initiative: 

Personal Webpage:

-----Original Message-----
From: msetzerii [] 
Sent: 25 December 2016 11:07
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Issue with recent request for Russian font?

I had a 5.2.3.x version, but just updated to, and it still pops up with the message about 
needing the Russian font. Even tried to set a font Replacement table for Russian to be replaced 
with Liberation Sans, but it still comes up.

Select format cell, and it comes up. 

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