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At 08:15 31/12/2015 -0500, William Drescher wrote:
I have a three col table inside of 3 linked frames. I would like to add a Checkbox in table cell. I followed the help instructions, but the checkbox icon does not drag from the form toolbar to the table. I suspect that I am missing a step.
The help text talks of clicking the toolbar icon of the required 
control and dragging in the document to create the control. You sound 
as if you have tried to drag from the toolbar to the document, but 
this is not what is meant.
o Click the toolbar icon.
o Move the cursor back into the document.
o Notice that the cursor has changed from the normal I-beam to cross hairs with a subsidiary rectangle. o Now drag the cursor from one corner of your desired rectangle to the opposite. To create an accurate square, hold down the Shift key as you release the mouse button. o To cancel insert mode, choose any one: click the icon again, or click in the document without dragging, or press Esc.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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