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While I do not have and example, I suggest that you look around on the internet for what is already Ledger designed against what LO Base can connect to.
For instance, you could download mysqlledger from
Connect it to LibreOffice Base
And then start working on the front end the way you want it to look.

On the other hand, there are free open source accounting packages that almost always start with general ledger. Like multi-platform "GnuCash".
GnuCash by default stores data in an xml format. Starting with version 
2.4, GnuCash financial data can be stored in a SQL database using 
SQLite3, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
Make the parts from the accounting package you think are missing in 
Base. Then back-in to the program to build entirely around a Base front-end.
Base and FireBird are coming along if your going to build from scratch.
Hope this helps.

On 11/3/2016 2:53 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
I have looked all over the world, using google, but I have not found any sample general ledger examples using LO Base. The funny part is the sample field structures are designed for this use, and others are closely related (depreciation, etc.).
Can anyone send me in the right direction, or must I enroll in the 
school of hard knocks?  :)

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