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I want to create a fillable PDF form using Writer but I'm stuck on one issue. When selecting one of a choice of options, it can be done with a pulldown list or a set of radio buttons. The pulldown list is the simpler way and it uses a lot less real estate on a page, but Writer wants to connect it to a database.

I can see this might be useful in some rare instances but creating a fillable PDF isn't one of them. Such a document, or even a Writer form, normally needs to be self-contained so it can be distributed.

If Writer simply wants to load the options one time from the database then it should also be possible to insert them directly into the document but I can't see a method to do this. If it wants to maintain the connection to the database so that it loads them when the pulldown is activated, then it makes the feature rather useless.

Is it possible to create a pulldown list and fill in the options without connecting to a database?

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