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On 18 okt. 2016, at 17:14, Italo Vignoli wrote:

On 18/10/2016 15:38, nasrin khaksar wrote:

does it mean that libreoffice which is one branch of openoffice, is
extremely secure and it does not have any security Vulnerability to
fix in the every new release version?
LibreOffice is a fork of, not a branch, and as such has
independent development and security management.

all versions are the same in security and its no different which
version i desire to use. is it true?
Absolutely not. You should use one of the two versions currently
available for download.

i use and wish to use 4.4.6, is it completely secure like the oldest
and newer versions?
No, you should use either 5.1.x or 5.2.x. LibreOffice 4.4.6 is over two
years old, and has not been updated security wise for over one year.
I am still using LibreOffice since LO makes it impossible for me to upgrade in my OS (Mac 
OS X Lion 10.7.5).
My iMac 24", although old, functions very well, but Apple thinks that my HW is to old to update the 
OS to a newer version. Since LO decided to go with new libraries I am stuck with LO

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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