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The size of the undo buffer seems controlled by a property that is
accessible in the Advanced settings (via options). Look for


and then look for the property Undo and change the value of Steps.

My setup has 100 as number of steps which, like you point, out may be
insufficient for remembering the typing of 6 lines of text. You could
probably increase that number to some higher number (I have not tried
it myself so you will be in uncharted territory) to have a larger undo
buffer and this way be able to undo more steps (you may have to restart
LO at that point for it to use the new value). Note that this will have
an impact on memory usage and maybe on global performance depending on
the system you use to run LO.

I hope this helps.

Rémy Gauthier.

Le samedi 03 septembre 2016 à 14:31 +0200, Xen a écrit :
Again I am bitten by the limited undo functionality of LibreOffice.


undo the writing of about 6 lines of text and the single delete that 
went before that.


fail. The undo buffer is already depleted before it has undone the 
writing of those 6 lines of text, so it cannot yet also undo the 
deletion, that I needed to get back.

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