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On a side note - other than LibreOffice use - - -

Have you ever tried to get older printers installed on a Chromebook? I had to get a friend's to work with her printer - no go.

So I tried my printers. All but one of my network printers either cannot be installed or does not work correctly. My old laser does work though.

On 08/25/2016 02:32 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 14:07 25/08/2016 -0400, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
I have been thinking about getting a Chromebook, but the one thing holding me back is that I need to be able to run LibreOffice. Is that something I can do now?

I'm no expert, but ...

That depends on its operating system. If it is really a Chromebook, it will be running the Google Chrome operating system - right? In that case, I suspect the answer is "No", but Wikipedia tells me that "Enabling developer mode allows the installation of Linux distributions on Chromebooks." If you do this, then the answer will presumably become "Yes", since there is an LibreOffice version for Linux - indeed, probably included in that distribution.

But some of those Chromebooks are now actually "Cloudbooks" and are sold with Windows installed. In that case, the answer would be "Yes".

And if so, how well does it run?

Dunno. May depend on *which* Chromebook ...

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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