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On 12/08/16 10:57 AM, toki wrote:
On 12/08/2016 13:27, Gary Dale wrote:
I note that a similar issue occurred in Europe when the start of the new
year was moved from Easter to January 1. Historians deal with it by
listing both years for dates prior to switch. I suspect that they
probably do something similar, or cite the calendar in use, for dates
using a Julian calendar after the invention of the Gregorian.
In looking for an explanation of why only those four Arabic locales have
an Islamic calendar, I stumbled across a guy that was fed up with trying
to convert between calendar systems, so he created a database whose
index key is the Julian Day. Then he reconciled the Gregorian and Julian
Calendar dates to Julian Days, to populate the database.  As his focus
in history changes, he adds other calendars, as appropriate, to the


And of course the Julian day (day in the year) has nothing to do with the Julian calendar. It's merely a historical accident that the names are the same. :)
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