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Hi Henrik,

Given how the issue is specific to a particular torrent client and
version, and that the torrent works with various other clients, I don't
think that there is likely to be anything wrong with the torrent
itself. More likely the problem is some sort of misconfiguration on your
side with that particular torrent client.

The error message itself seems to indicate that it is something to do
with a key changing on your side. I'm no torrent protocol expert, but
could it be that the change in torrent client version is causing the
tracker to see you as having a new key? Perhaps reinstalling will fix
the issue, or try that same version from a new PC and see if the
problem persists.

In short, while I can't be certain, I suspect that there is no problem
with the torrent itself, but that something on your side is causing the
issue, though I don't know enough to hazard a reliable guess.


On Sun, 03 Jul 2016 20:36:05 -0400
Henrik Worrmann <> wrote:


I did not know where to send this to, that is why you are reading
this email, hopefully. As a daily user of LibreOffice and the
BitTorrent-protocol, I am happy to share a little bandwidth for this
awesome project. Recently, I stumbled upon a weird failure of your
( Using the most
recent version of BitTorrent/µTorrent, its status changes from
"working" to "Your client's "key" parameter and the key we have for
you in the in our database do not match." This does not happen when
using BitTorrent-clients based on the libtorrent-library (such as
Deluge or qBittorrent), Tixati or µTorrent 2.2.1.

To replicate the failure, I used µTorrent 3.4.7 (Build 42330). As
written above, it works fine with µTorrent 2.2.1, although, besides
some changes in the UI and probably in the core, nothing big should
have changed.

Seen from the point of distribution, many people are affected by this
bug, as they use the most current version of µTorrent/BitTorrent.
This also may affect the working transfer between the seeders and
peers, as the tracker cannot coordinate the seeder to the peer,
prevented by the bug mentioned before.

Is there an explanation for this status occurring?
To my knowledge (in short), it only affects µTorrent version 3+ or
BitTorrent 7.5+.

Best regards,
Henrik Worrmann

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