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Le 26/06/2016 à 16:20, Ian Whitfield a écrit :

Hi Ian,

We need more info.

I'm trying to use LO Base - linked to a Spreadsheet and so far all is
going well.

How is it linked ? What exactly do you mean by linked to a spreadsheet ?

However I don't seem to be able to get Dropdown Boxes to work. On my
'User Form' they are greyed out and do not react when clicked. I have
set them to be Dropdown, entered the list of options and set the display
line number.
If your spreadsheet is the datasource, and the properties of your form
are read/write/add (data) then any form you make stored within an ODB is
dependent on being able to make modifications to the underlying Calc
sheet. As Calc sheets are read-only when attached to ODB files as
datasources, it would not be surprising that you could not set the value
via a dropdown menu, because doing so would attempt to write the chosen
value into the cell of the sheet.

A read-only setting on the form's properties might bring back the
dropdown menus (haven't tried so don't know), but don't expect them to
write anything to the spreadsheet.


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