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       yes, you can upload to various on-line spots, then post the URL here
in your message;
          you can also post through the LO site, but I've never done this
so can't explain how to so do.

From: malcolm <>
Date: Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Making LO look nice

On Friday 15 Apr 2016 18:14:56 anne-ology wrote:

       Not sure as to what you're referring, but if you don't like the
font, just click on that setting & choose one which suits you for your
purpose; if you don't like the background, you can change this as well;
etc. ... just click on the various settings & choose what suits you.
          this would apply to both Impress & Writer.

       Hoping this helps,

From: Malcolm Moore <>
Date: Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 9:14 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Making LO look nice
To: LibreOffice users <>

I have installed LO 5.1.2 on openSUSE Leap ( Plasma)  and the only way I
get it to look nice is to set my widget type to GTK+ Any thing else and
icons in the 'View' menu look terrible ( Most are light blue and seem to
some sort of default icon )

If I use the KDE4 extensions LO doesn't seem to follow most of the icon
and looks terrible in everything except when I use GTK+
If I use the Gnome extensions Adwaita looks pretty nice but the 'on off'
icons ( like
'view/status bar ' ) don't change
If I have neither it looks like it was written in the 1980's !!

Can someone suggest some combination that looks beautiful !  :-)


Is there somewhere I can post a screen grab to explain it better ?



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