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On 14/04/2016 16:58, nasrin khaksar wrote:

which programs in Microsoft office are compatible with libreoffice and

Software compatibility is in the mind of the beholder.

I mean these software:
microsoft frontpage, InfoPath, Publisher, OneNote, Lync, Visio, Project.

As a general rule of thumb, the following are rough equivalents.

* Microsoft Word:               Write;
* Microsoft Excel:              Calc;
* Microsoft Outlook:            Not Available.
                                        Suggested options are Evolution, Thunderbird with either 
or Sunbird;
* Microsoft Powerpoint:         Impress;
* Microsoft Access:             Base, dbase3 clone;
                                        Can connect to SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, PostGress, amongst 
database engines;
* Microsoft Infopath:           Not Available:
                                I think I've seen third party frameworks that incorporate LibO as
part of their process workflow, in providing this functionality;
* Microsoft Visio:              Draw;
* Microsoft Office Picture Manager:     There are third party extensions and
templates utilizing Draw, Base, and Write that provide this functionality;
* Microsoft Publisher:          Write; Draw;
* Microsoft Onenote:            Not available:
                                There are third party extensions and templates utilizing Base, and
Write that provide this functionality;
                                Suggested option:  Zotero, Docear;
* Microsoft Communicator;       Not available: Suggested options are Pidgin,
* Microsoft Interconnector;     Not available:
                                There are third party extensions and templates utilizing Base, and
Write that provide this functionality;
* Microsoft Frontpage:          HTML Editor;
* Microsoft Accounting:         Not available:
                                There are third party extensions and templates utilizing Calc, Base,
and Write that provide this functionality;
                                Suggested options are GnuCash, LedgerSMB;
* Microsoft Entourage:          Not Available.
                                Suggested options are Evolution, Thunderbird with Lightning or 
* Microsoft Binder;             Not available: No suggested options.
* Microsoft Schedule Plus;      Note available:
                                There are third party extensions and templates utilizing Calc, Base,
and Write that provide this functionality;
                                Suggested options are Evolution, Thunderbird with Lightning or 
* Microsoft Mail;               Not Available.
                                Suggested options are Evolution, Thunderbird with Lightning or 
* Microsoft Visact;             Not available: No recommendations;
* Microsoft Liquid Motion:      Not available: No recommendations;
* Microsoft Photodraw;          Draw;
* Microsoft Picture it;         Draw;
* Microsoft Expression Web;     Not available: No recommendations;
* Microsoft Front page;         Write/HTML Editor;
* Microsoft Sharepoint services:        Not available: No recommendations;
* Microsoft Office Assistant;   Assuming that it hasn't be removed during
the ongoing code refactoring, there is one;
* Microsoft Visual Basic        StarBasic, Java, Python, PERL, Ruby, R, etc,
etc, etc;
* Microsoft Visual Basic Applications:  Built in IDE when using
StarBasic, Java, Python, PERL, Ruby, R, etc, etc, etc;
* Equation Editor;              Math;
* Microsoft Project:            Not Available;
                                There are third party extensions and templates utilizing Calc, Base,
and Write that provide this functionality;
                                Suggested options are: OpenProj from;
GanttProject from

* Microsoft Lync:               Not Available: Suggested options are Pidgin, Thunderbird;

How well these work for you, depends upon your specific use-case. In
most circumstances, the suggestions here provide a viable solution.

AOo, EU, and LibO can read/write/edit most MSO File formats.

The most significant MSO file formats which AOo can not read/write are
MSO Publisher and MSBinder;
The most significant MSO file format which EO can not read/write is
The most significant MSO file format which LibOo can not read/write is


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