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Good evening
Questions about updating LibreOffice.
In the past I read somewhere that there is an option of "automatic" (online) updating for Linux, but not for Windows.
In case of Windows I am "used" to download everything from scratch.

However, trying to set up a Linux machine (Mint 17.2) for work, I noticed, that the description of the
help documentation does NOT correspond to the actual situation:
    Choose Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Online Update

On my LO 4.4 installation on the said Mint 17.2 machine there ***IS NO*** item called "online update".
Is there a trick to do that?

I also just downloaded the latest version 5.1, but that will not install either.
I am supposed to:
Right-click within the directory and choose "Open in Terminal" ... type:
    sudo dpkg -i *.deb
but get the error:
    "dpkg: error processing archive *.deb (--install):
    cannot access archive: No such file or directory"

Any trick to solve this problem?
Thank you.

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