Hi :)
If you have an hour, or few, per month - or if you could help during
occasional holidays - or 'just' as a "one off" = YOU could be a big help.
People who are new to LibreOffice/OpenOffice are a HUGE help as
proof-readers = helping the documentation make more sense to noobs, or even
just helping reduce the numbers of 'obvious' errors. Sadly such 'noobs'
learn so much so quickly, almost by "osmosis", that they quickly become
quite expert. Hence why there is always a need for more new people. :)
Their team is so small that even a little help often has a big impact.
If you have no professional/voluntary experience with any sort of
documentation or writing project then this could be a good way of getting
some insights and gaining some experience - or it could be just a good way
to 'relax' by doing something a bit different for a while.
If you do have some experience then please let the team know, so that they
have some idea of how much they can just leave you to get on with it.
Either way it takes a while to get used to their systems and for them to
register you so that you can work on the "Published Guides". These guides
do generate a sundry, but useful, amount of income for the TDF and wider
LibreOffice community.
Right now there is a HUGE need for people willing to proof-read the latest
Guide/Handbook for Base, the database part of LibreOffice. It needs people
who don't use and don't know anything about Base.
If you do have knowledge or experience of databases in general or Base in
particular then you would be a great help for the next stage. After
proof-reading is the "review" stage to check the technical accuracy of the
Regards and good luck from
Tom :)
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- [libreoffice-users] Volunteers for Documentation · Tom Davies
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