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On Wed, 2015-12-16 at 16:09 +0700, Ken Heard wrote:
I cannot assign a template to an existing writer odt file using the
menu item File->Templates->Assign template (current document).
Whenever I select a template from the list which pops up by a double
click, the following message is returned "Property or method not
found: Document Info".  The document in question does have a
Properties window but it does not name the template selected, nor is
the selected template installed.

Same issue here - I can no longer assign a template to an existing
document.  This very much impinges on the functionality of Master
Documents when working with very large [book like] documents.

Build ID: 00m0(Build:2)
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8)

Has anyone figured anything else?  Is the support for features like
masters documents fading out of LibreOffice?

Adam Tauno Williams <> GPG D95ED383
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