On 03/18/2016 09:36 PM, Paul Hammant wrote:
I have tried all the security levels, with re-launches of LibreOffice in
between. Yes I can run the sample Python macros.
- Paul
Again having never used a Mac I am just guessing. Since you can run the
samples you know python macros work. Maybe it is a path issue. If you
have not done so already try putting your macro in the same location as
a sample that works with the proper permissions and see if that helps.
Regards, Jim
On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 9:52 PM, Jim Byrnes <jf_byrnes@comcast.net> wrote:
On 03/18/2016 03:55 PM, Paul Hammant wrote:
I have not worked out how to activate it :-(
Ref http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/users/msg47885.html
I see from the link you are on a Mac. I am on linux but the last part of
your path to the script seems to be about the same as mine would be.
Have you set the macro security to a level that will allow you to run
macros? I've been tripped up by this a couple of times on new installs.
Can you run any of the sample python macros that come with LO? If you can
maybe that indicates a path issue after all.
Regards, Jim
On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Mark Stanton <mark@vowleyfarm.co.uk>
Does the Python macro interface work?
Does it work well if it does work?
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