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Good evening
This morning the HDD in my production machine died on me.
Now I am trying to hold out for a while using a Linux Mint 17.2
installation (on an old computer).

I noticed on THAT particular machine (not on the old windows machine I
have in my clinic nor on a notebook running also Mint 17.2)
the key combination "Ctrl + F" does not work in Calc.
I can click the function in the menu, but the keys do not work.
The menu has the same "Ctrl + F" for BOTH just "Find" as well as "Find
and Replace".
But that is on all my machines so.

Is there a trick to make the "Ctrl + F" work = display the "Find and
Replace" dialog box (in the middle of the screen)?

If so, please tell me how to achieve that.
Thank you.

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