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Interesting! I have trouble replying to Brian's messages (and to the best of my knowledge, only 
his) on this list. My problem appears to be triggered by a newline character in his message id. 
Gmane possibly has a related problem with his posts. I wonder what change took place in Brian's 
eMail origination process around 19 Sep 2013. Maybe he changed ISPs or changed from one eMail 
client to another or to a web mail interface. I don't know but there is a definite problem there.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nino Novak <>
Sent: Sat, 12 Mar 2016 2:27
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Not archived mails at Gmane

On 04.01.2016 at 15:51 Nino Novak wrote:
On 04.01.2016 at 14:49, Brian Barker wrote:
At 07:51 04/01/2016 -0500, William Drescher wrote:
Brian's original post never did show up in my newsgroup feed (gmane).
How right you are! Nothing from me has appeared in Gmane since 19 September
2013. You may have to choose a service which works, without censoring replies.

Does anyone know why I am persona non grata? I wonder how many others are ...
Strange, in deed.

I just sent a request for explanation to, will report their
reaction hopefully soon :)
Here is what I asked and what Lars from replied :

in gmane.comp.documentfoundation.libreoffice.user, mails written by Brian
Barker obviously do not get archived since 19 Sept 2013 (exact date not

Can you explain, why?
The usual reason is that the messages in question contain the
X-No-Archive header.  I haven't examined the messages in question,
As you could see from the attached mail I sent you, it has no X-No-Archive
header. So there is no obvious reason not to archive it at Gmane from my
POV. But yet it is omitted. Can we have it archived, please?
There are no filters for content on Gmane, so there's nothing I can do.
Now, I have no more ideas what else we could do about this issue. It remains
a mystery.

Sorry for that,

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