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On 03/03/16 13:41, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Mike,

Mike Scott schrieb:

Is there a way of reverting to an earlier 5.x? Synaptic doesn't offer
these, and makes switching versions something close to agonizingly hard.


I can easily make an administrative installation of any version I want
on Windows, which do not influence each other. Is that not possible on

Probably yes, but not by using the PPAs which are supposed to keep life simple and consistent. Or at least I don't know how.... which isn't quite the same thing :-)

Looking at the LO downloads page, 'still' seems to be 5.0.5, and 'fresh' older than what the LO PPA is serving up. But synaptic lists a good dozen or twenty installed packages to do with LO, and no doubt getting packages out of sync could be "interesting".

If no-one else has seen this, I guess I'll have to deinstall the lot, and try (probably) 'fresh' to see what happens. And then log a bug report, although my experience with bugzilla from the OOo days was far from happy :-(


Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England

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