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At 18:56 25/02/2016 +0200, Amichai Rotman wrote:
I have a weird punctuation problem in Writer: Whenever I enter three periods (i.e: ...) they turn into a little triangle. I guess it's some configuration tweak...

In proper typesetting, the three dots used to indicate an intentional omission - called an ellipsis - are a separate, single character and not three separate dots. "Horizontal ellipsis" is available as Unicode character U+2026. I'm guessing, but I imagine that you have an AutoCorrect option to replace three dots with a proper ellipsis but that the font you are using does not have the ellipsis in the correct position.

What happens if you change the font to one that is more likely to contain the correct glyph? You can tell if three dots is an ellipsis or not by stepping the cursor across them with the arrow keys: a proper ellipsis is one character, not three.

You can disable AutoCorrect options piecemeal if you wish, of course. You can also undo automatic corrections immediately they occur using Edit | Undo (or Ctrl+Z): this will remove the replacement but preserve the three dots you typed.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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