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On 21/02/2016 06:23, nasrin khaksar wrote:

1/ how can i know which accessibility issues were solved in libreoffice 4.4 branches i searched, 
but could not find answer.

Basically, the changes made LibO easier to use with _some_ screen readers.

2/ from two days ago by reading bugzilla i realized that libreoffice calc became accessible since 
version 4.3.3 if I am correct and it made me very happy.

The crucial issue here is what specific accessibility functionality you
are looking for.

For some a11y tool chains, LibO Calc has been completely accessible
since the days of the 0.x release. For other a11y tool chains, LibO is
completely inaccessible.

3/ whats the difference between number format and scientific and engineering which added since 
version 4.4 branche to libreoffice calc?

Engineering format works in multiples of three.
Scientific format works in any numbers.

4/ is it possible to add images and edit them in libreoffice versions before version 5?

Yes, but a lot depends upon the type of image editing you want to do.

does it work like photoshop, gimp etc?

Not really.


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