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More long shots...

Are any of the test computers on a Uninterruptible Power Supply?
If so, run the document on that one and pull the power from the supply to the wall.
See if tearing still occurs.

Assuming the power generated by the UPS is correct, and all machines are on same local power grid, there might be a frequency anomaly. I'm not an electrical engineer, but power can do crazy things given the right circumstances.

If you are using linux, see if modifying your SNA/UXA settings changes things. Google how to change these settings for your OS.

On 2/21/2016 4:37 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Good evening
I have been asking about this several times. (Most recently on 2/15 under the title "display") There are appearantly a number of technical terms to describe the phenomenons related to text display,
but I do not know which of those is the appropriate ONE.
"screen tearing" seems to refer to something a little different.

Anyway, I noticed a connection to the degree of magnification. Maybe somebody knows something here? Since I have sufficiently large monitors - and because of age and poor eyesight -, I set the zoom level to something like 200%.
When I set it to "optimal" on a 24" monitor, I get something over 200%.
By accident I noticed, that the "screen tearing" DOES NOT (or at least not that annoyingly) occur at a zoom level of 140% or less.
THAT seems to be the limit. Even on my high-spec machine.

But I do not like to squint at my screen for 8 hours or more a day.

IS there a trick to avoid this phenomenon, where major text portions start to "run" into each other just like wet ink on paper and thus become unreadable?

A solution would be VERY highly appreciated.
Thank you.

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