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       Maybe others will answer your questions more fully;
          meanwhile, I'll attempt to so do -
         [see interspersed below]

From: nasrin khaksar <>
Date: Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 12:23 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] two accessibility questions and two general:

hi every one.
thanks extremely for spending your time helping me and other users.

i have questions and i wish to find answers for them by your kindness
and generocity as always.
1/ how can i know which accessibility issues were solved in
libreoffice 4.4 branche?
i searched, but could not find answer.

   [check the LO site for whichever version]

2/ from two days ago by reading bugzilla i realized that libreoffice
calc became accessible since version 4.3.3 if i am correct and it made
me very happy.
is it possible to for example: impress is accessible now since
specific version, but i dont have information about it now?

   [each of these has been in the LO package from the start]

3/ whats the difference between number format and scientific and
engineering which added since version 4.4 branche to libreoffice calc?
whats its usage and advantage?

   [the higher the number after the period, the more stable the version]

4/ is it possible to add images and edit them in libreoffice versions
before version 5?
because since version 5.0 the item images (crop image, replace image,
compress image, save image and edit with external tools) were added
and not in the previous versions.

   [it's always been possible]

does it work like photoshop, gimp etc?

   [these are separate programs]

i mean that is the same with images programs like photoshop gimp and
also the fonction and usage the same between the new images in
libreoffice programs which i mentioned with these specific image

   [all programs are different]

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