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 p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }Function SequenceError. What is that? 

I have a form linkedto a MySQL server's telephone numbers Table.Whenever a newtelephone number is 
added three additional data fieldsalso need to betransferred to the new row. Here is a code 
ssnippet.First the datafieldsare being read, then the form moves to the InsertRowand then the data 
iswritten back into the respective fields. Finally an updateRowand a form.reload causes the above 
mentioned error.Does anybody have asuggestion how this error can be avoided? 
 oPhoneNr =oForm.getByName("phoneNr") sPhoneNr =oPhoneNr.TEXT sPhoneNr ="000-0000"
 oCodeName =oCompanyForm.getByName("codeName") sCodeName =oCodeName.TEXT  oForm.MoveToInsertRow  
oPhoneCoKey =oForm.getByName("phoneCoKey") oPhoneCoKey.boundField.updateString(sPhoneCoKey) 
 oPhoneNr.boundField.updateString(sPhoneNr) oPhoneNr.commit()
 wait(100) oForm.updateRow() oForm.reload()

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