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hi brian.
your answer was very complete, useful and efficient specially about
automatic spell checking.
but i did not find standard toolbar and i dont know where it is exactly.
for read only mode, because the persian pdf documents are not
accessible for me and also i want to my documents will be remained
accessible for me too.
for this reason i prefer to dont export them as pdf.
thanks and god bless you.

On 2/18/16, Brian Barker <> wrote:
At 11:05 17/02/2016 +0330, Nasrin Khaksar wrote:
in libreoffice 4.4 and above, an option added for activate or
deactivate automatic spell check in the tools menu that i can select
whether i want automatic spell check to be checked or not. what's
about version 4.3? how can deactivate automatic spell check in
versions before 4.4?

There are many ways to do this:

o Toggle the AutoSpellCheck button in the Standard toolbar. Or remove
the tick from Tools | Options... | Language Settings | Writing Aids |
Options | Check spelling as you type.

o If your text is in a language for which you have no spelling
dictionary, you can set the text language appropriately and the
relevant text will then not be checked for spelling.

o You can set the language of your text - or parts of it - to "None
(Do not check spelling)".

Note that text language can be set in various ways: as a character
property, a character style property, or a paragraph style property
(but not a paragraph property, although an entire paragraph can be
given a language setting using the character property, of course).
The default language applies only in the absence of any of these settings.

is it possible to save a document in read only mode? for example: i
write and save my document in read only mode to becomes unchangeable
like pdf documents?

Once you have saved your document, you can set the file as read-only
outside LibreOffice. But note that this setting is an operating
system property, so it will not survive your sending the file to a
correspondent, for example.

But if you put your text into a "section" (using Insert |
Section...), you can protect that with a password, which prevents the
text being modified. There is no reason why all of a document's text
should not be in a section or series of sections.

Mind you, if you want others to see the document without the
possibility of modification, why not export it as PDF anyway?

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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