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I have a strange problem with the new LO 5.1 on Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.5). I installed it and 
started it up for the first time. Naturally the first time the app gets verified. However the 
verification took a long time and my computer got almost completely unresponsive. 

Activity Monitor indicated that kernel_task had growm to more than 6.3GB (real memory). My machine 
has 8GM memory. It did not take very much CPU time, but everything came virtually to a halt. Even 
the clock sometimes lagged minutes behind. The verification process took more than 2 hours and 15 
minutes, after which I had to leave. When I returned it had finished, so I know it took less than 5 
hours. Ater confirming that I wanted to run the application downloaded from the internet, LO 
continued, but it took at least 10 minutes before it appeared. In the meantime the kernel_task 
memory footprint still was high, but later it dropped back to more reasonable values.

I did this twice, with a reboot in between. The reboot didn't solve the problem.

The problem has also been reported on
Maybe it warrants a bug report if more people experience this.

I also tried LO 5.0.5, and its verification took about 5 minutes (still quite long I think), with 
kernel_task going up to about 4GB. But at least the system continued to work normally.

So what can be the problem with LO 5.1?
Piet van Oostrum <>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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