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At 13:50 17/02/2016 -0800, Joel Madero wrote:
Pedro Pedlino wrote:
(BTW if you make the first date value 1/15/2007 and the second 2/15/2007 you can simply drag the X values all the way down and LO is smart enough to always use the 15th of every month)

I had this kind of a setup before and it just bothered me that it wasn't entirely accurate. My data is not pertaining to a particular day, it's a summary of the months so having the data show the 15th of the month was just annoying me

This shouldn't be a problem. In order for the chart to make sense, the date values need to be exactly that - not merely pieces of text that look like dates. If one month was missing from your data, you would want the remaining values to be spaced properly - and this would happen only with true dates, not with text values.

But there is no need for the day numbers (whatever they are) to show in the chart: the dates can be formatted as you wish. In my example chart, I've chosen "MMM YYYY" as the date format, which shows any day in this month as "Feb 2016". You can arrange chart axis formatting in either of two ways: either inherited from the formatting in the data ranges or set in the chart specification itself.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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