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On 2016-02-12, 10:27 AM V Stuart Foote wrote:
Larry Gusaas wrote
No, Oracle  must fix the JRE, or Apple must correct OS X Java system
Until then, LO for tdf#94716 now requires use of the unaffected JDK -- at
the expense of OS X users now having to install the JDK rather than a
JRE to access the Java runtimes.
Wrong. You need to make LibreOffice work with OS X.  It worked before.
I don't need to do anything,
You meaning LibreOffice needs to

but you are welcome to hack at the code ;-)
Typical arrogant hacker's response.

Demanding Apple makes a  change in there operating system in order for
your program to  work is pretty arrogant. I do not need or want JDK on my
Arrogant?  No, just reality of Oracle and Apples relationship and a lack of
effort on the part of Apple!
Apple does not have to make changes to their OS to meet demands of third party programs. Programmers have to write their code to work with the OS. Demanding otherwise is arrogant.

Until Oracle and Apple can not sort this out--external projects like
LibreOffice have no choice and we've now implemented a reasonable work
around (provided by folks responsible for NeoOffice).
It is not reasonable to demand the use of JDK instead of JRE. I have no need for JDK. Also it does not check for updates automatically, which can lead to security problems.

So, at the moment, sorry but you DO need the Java Runtime environment as
provided from a JDK.
And earlier versions of LibreOffice worked. The "Bug fix" broke LibreOffice for Macs. Thanks a lot. I appreciate your great work to "improve" LibreOffice.


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - Edgard Varese

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