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On 01/24/2016 10:04 AM, Hank Alper wrote:
Hi Ian,
I frequently import Calc Spreadsheets into my MySQL database using
phpMyAdmin.. My version of phpMyAdmin asks to locate the File you wish to
import.Specifically, it offers a Browse option. Locate the Calc file you
wish to browsing to it in your file system.
It also asks for the type of file you wish to import. One of the options is
ODF spreadsheet.That's the format of Calc, isn't it ?
No need to convert to CSV File.

Thanks Hank

But no luck!! I tried to import my ODS Spreadsheet file from LibraOffice and got the following error...

/"You attempted to load file with unsupported compression (application/zip). Either support for it is not implemented or disabled by your configuration"./

The file is NOT compressed or Zipped and opens perfectly in LO Calc!!

So still a problem - but I appreciate the pointer.

Best regards

Pretoria RSA

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