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I am using LO with Debian wheezy.  In two odt documents I have
added a footnote.  In one case the number of the footnote at the
bottom of the page has a period after the number, but in the other
case there is no period there even though the settings for the
‘footnote‘ and ‘numbering 1’ styles in both cases are identical.

The settings which seem to me to matter for the ‘footnote’ style are:

Indents and spacing: Before text: 0.50 cm; After text: 0.00;
                     First line -0.50 cm.

Outline and numbering:
        Outline level: ‘Outline level 1’ or ‘Body text’, it does
                        not seem to matter in either case. If
                        ‘body text' is used the bottom line shows
                        ‘Numbering 1 : Level 1’.  If Outline
                        level 1’ is used, ‘Outline 1’ is added
                        to the bottom line.

        Numbering style: ‘numbering 1’

The settings which seem to me to matter for the ‘numbering 1’ style are:

        ‘Position’ for all levels, the following settings on the right:
                Tab stop
                0.00 cm
                0.00 cm
                0.50 cm

        ‘Options’ for all levels although only the first lever is used:
                Number: 1, 2, 3, ...
                Character Style: None
                Show sublevels: 1
                Separator before: none
                Separator after: . (period)
                Start at: 1

Something is obviously wrong.  Should I file a bug report?

Regards, Ken


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