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hi every one.
i tried both libreoffice and open office.
fortunately libreoffice recognizes the incoding of the txt files and
open them without asking about which incoding should is use, and also
about phont and language.
its a very great feature that even microsoft office has not and its
realy unique for libreoffice!
but in some cases when i want to open a persian txt file with
libreoffice, unfortunately libreoffice does not recognize the incoding
and does not open my txt in utf-8 incoding!!!
as the result, libreoffice desplays this kind of files like chinese or
japanese characters and its becomes completely unreadible!
the persian txt files characters are not display correctly in persian
and becomes unreadible!

in these cases, is it possible to make change in libreoffice settings
to libreoffice recognizes unicode and utf-8 correctly or at least
libreoffice asks to which incoding should it use?
as i mentioned, only the cases that libreoffice does not recognize the
incoding correctly, i want libreoffice to asks like open office.
but if it becomes possible to show unicode and persian files always
correctly, its a very great and unique feature that recognizes without
asking any questions!
thanks for your help and god bless you all.

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