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there is a setting in LibreOffice that you may want to look at.

go to "Tools  - Options  -  Load/Save - Microsoft Office
and make sure the boxes are checked.

Here is a question - what currently opens up for your document[s] if not LibreOffice after it was installed?
I run Win10 on  laptop and desktop, and I do not use anything else for 
office file.  If you did use some other packages for "office work", most 
cases installing LibreOffice should change the associations from the 
previous packages.  If it does not, then you will need to look at the 
"Load/Save" options and then manually associate the file extensions to 
LibreOffice, like V. Stuart shows in his post.
Also, did you do a "standard" install or opted for the "custom" 
install?  I tend to use custom installation for every package that I 
install on Windows, as part of my "security methods".  You would not 
believe some of the items that some free software tries to install on my 
Windows systems if I do not use custom installations.  The only reason I 
do this for LibreOffice is to control the different dictionaries I want 
installed to my Windows systems.

On 01/06/2016 09:53 AM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
Copy an ODF file to the desktop -- Writer .odt, or Calc .ods--

Right mouse click and select "Open with"

On the context menu select "Choose another app"

On the selection dialog -- if a LibreOffice module does not show at the top
meaning it is associated with the file type, in the "Other options" section,
select "More apps" and select LibreOffice.

Can use the generic LibreOffice, or a specific module (i.e. Writer, Calc,
Impress) as appropriate for the file type.

Be sure to check the "Always use this app to open  xxx files"  (xxx is the
detected file type/extension).

That shuld do it.

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