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Thank you very much Brian!

I saw you have used AOO 4.1.1 (from pdf properties), but I suppose it's the same on the (definitively?) last 4.1.2. In any case I will open a bug with your files attached too, classifying it "Inherited From OOo", and I will post back here the associated number and link.
I think I will also open a bug with respect to the "T" cell border 
little overrun because one line that orthogonally meets another one 
slightly trespassing it over without blending and exactly ending in it. 
This other bug will also appear to be classified "Inherited From OOo", 
always comparing your and my files.
Have a nice Sunday evening,


ing. Carlo Strata
via Botticelli 1/4
30031 Dolo - VE
Italia - Italy
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Il 12/12/2015 19:19, Brian Barker ha scritto:
At 16:59 12/12/2015 +0100, you wrote:
On Calc both print preview and native pdf export, and in some zoom level, background slightly misaligned with respect to cell border.
I attach PDF output from your spreadsheet from *OpenOffice* both 
natively (via Export as PDF...) and using File | Print... and CutePDF 
Writer. You will see similar results - suggesting that this behaviour 
appears to have been inherited from OpenOffice.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker - privately

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