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At 20:40 13/12/2015 +0900, Thomas Noname wrote:
I have a 20,000 row file I am supposed to "review" (a translation by someone else) While changing things, I made a mistake and now one particular word appears as ((word)) Naturally, the double brackets are NOT wanted. When I try to search and replace them, Calc tell me, there are no such double brackets. But they are right in front of me on the screen. Is there any particular reason why I cannot search for "((" ?
In the Find & Replace dialogue, click More Options. You probably have 
"Regular expressions" ticked. Untick it and try again.
The "same" applies to searching for "," and replace that by "." (of course, none of these searches uses the ")
Remember that what you see in a spreadsheet cell may very well not be 
there! If those commas are fractional separators in numbers - e.g. 
1,23 - they are not there in the same sense as then would be as text. 
The details of this depend on your locale settings.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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