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charles meyer wrote
First, if I saved a document as .odt and tried opening it in MS Word
2003 I would get a Read Only option to open it.
MS Office 2003 does not support ODT (unless you installed the *very old* Sun
ODF Plugin)
Do you mean Office 2013?

charles meyer wrote
Now, when I saved a document in MS Word and then try to open it in
Libre Writer I get the message...Unknown user. Open document
read-only or open a copy of the following for editing."

Is there a file permission factor going on here?
Did you save a newly created document in ODT format in your Office 2013?

Of course there is a file permission "factor". Microsoft advises users not
to save in ODT (because some "data might be lost"...) and I assume it is
using the published ODF 1.2 specification.

On the other hand LibreOffice is pushing the ODF format so it is ahead of
the published specification (not using ODF 1.2 strict specification by

You can change the ODF format under Tools > Option> Load/Save (second item
with an arrow on the left panel list) > ODF format version

Change to ODF "1.2 Extended (compatibility mode)"  or to "1.2" if the
previous option is still not compatible enough

Of course now you get a "Not using ODF 1.2 Extended may cause information to
be lost"

So I believe the "factor" is always going to be present whatever file format
you choose to use (similar problems occur with DOC and DOCX)

Hope this helps...

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