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Hi :)
It does seem like an usually huge file-size.  150 kb would be more normal!

There is a "memory" setting that might be useful to increase quite
dramatically.  From the "Tools" menu;

Tools - Options - Memory

You can see the settings are mostly all very low so that people can
easily use LibreOffice on very low-spec machines.  Modern desktops and
laptops have plenty of Ram these days and i'm guessing you are not
using a tablet or phone so you can radically increase most of those
values.  I tried bumping the "used by LibreOffice" one up from around
10-20 Mb to about 200 Mb.  I think the maximum value is 256 Mb because
when i tried higher values they got reduced to 256 Mb.  I usually
reduce the number of steps it can undo because 100 usually takes me to
waaay before my last back-up.

If the file really is Mb instead of just kb then is it due to having
lots of images and art?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 13 November 2015 at 19:27, Joel Madero <> wrote:
On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 7:52 AM, ammorei <> wrote:

Good afternoon!

I have a spreadsheet in '.xlsx', with a size around 150Mb and containing
400000 lines.

I have never seen a 150 mb functional spreadsheet before. I'd like to see
the file because I'm relatively sure that a database is what is
needed (especially if there are a ton of functions in it and nested ifs)

I would recommend trying to open the file and leave the computer going over
night. The issue is that LibreOffice has to use xlsx filters to open the
file, this is going to be slow when you're talking about 150 megs. Open the
file over night, save it as an open document format (ods) and I suspect it
will be quite a bit faster.

But, again, I bet that file needs to be a database and not a spreadsheet...

*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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