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Yes. You must first select all the cells you want to sort. You can easily do this by clicking the little square above the row numbers and left of the column letters. This will select the entire sheet. Next from the top heading bar at the very top select DATA then from the drop-down context menu select SORT. Then select the sort critera (in your case the columns that have the names in it. Also mark if you want the sort ascending or descending (you want ascending). If you want a secondary sort you can input the criteria also. Finally click the OK button at the bottom.
Blessings, Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

On 10/25/2015 01:48 PM, ajebay wrote:
I have a calc spreadsheet with many lines of data which include one column with names for the line. I want to sort the names from A to Z, top to bottom, and have all the corresponding data in each line move with the corresponding name. Hope this is clear.
Is this possible?

Blessings, Joe
Joshua 24:15 .... "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

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